
Video Advertisements and Why It Is On The Rise In Mobile Marketing

Video has always been a preferred medium of content exchange. Users have always been prone to watch videos despite its duration as opposed to reading info-graphics or textual content.

With more and more mobile apps. In the free-ware category on the rise, digital marketers and brands are often trying to use video advertisements to test the waters for a couple of years now. Irrespective of success or failure they have managed to accumulate so far, 2015 is surely the year when mobile apps and video ads are sure to spike.

Video Ad Engagement

As the free-ware and in-App purchase featured titles dominate the App space in terms of Stores and rewards, sponsored content or trademark digi-currency have become highly popular. This type of in-App ads are becoming popular to the extent that it has been found to be a sure shot approach to engage users.

Out of these, Video Advertisements have a tendency to engage more audience and thereby ensuring a must win for both parties.

Video Ads have proven their success, as the user finds it much more easier to sit back and watch a video rather than having to take time and conscious effort to read a textual peace.

Apps Trailers and Teasers

To engage audiences, developers have started featuring short trailers of upcoming or newly released games. These trailers act as a part of pop up ads that we often encounter while playing freeware content.

This has proven to be more successful in generating clicks amongst users than any other type of ads or banners combined. Another reason that makes this kind of ads generate more revenue is the fact that trailers and teasers of softwares or games have a brief gameplay or user interface showcase that tells the user if they like that stuff or not.

Hence, Trustablity increases and eventually more clicks get generated.

4G LTE On The Rise

4G LTE networks are being deployed all across the globe at a rapid pace. This simply means more speed to the user. More speed, converts to more power when a user gets to download and stream videos at a faster speed. Lesser time for streaming also means that the user has time to surf through more videos in a short duration thereby increasing the hit rate of other video Ads in general as well.

Effective Targeting of Video

Mobile video ad platforms have more features for developers and at the same time are offering improved elegance – which results in better monetization and conversation rates. It’s easier than ever to target your video ads to relevant users who may actually be interested in the content. There are also certain innovative techniques that allow the publishers to ensure that the users view the ads a particular number of time times. This is then measured accurately through various analytic tools so that the developers have a better comprehension of their designated target base.


Other than the ease of video, another prominent reason that makes video a popular medium for advertisements or generating more user engagement and trust is because, people tend to trust what they see before believing. A textual ad banner could often promise endless things but the reality might be really different.

But in a video ad, the features shown in use tend to give out a better impression and therefore generates trust factor and eventually revenue.