
Stay Fit With Your Android

Now when Androids are doing everything under the sun, from entertaining you to managing your finance, how can they lag behind in helping you in your body. Now when maintaining six packs is the trend, the androids come to the rescue of the aspiring fitness fanatics. Recently launched Workout Trainer, a beautiful app providing free workouts and premium workout programs for anybody with an Android phone or tablet.

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At a glance, the advantages are many.

  • Audio, still images and videos to help you in your daily exercises. So put on your head phone and start getting in shape.
  • Complete detailing of exercises using images and videos.
  • Share you exercise secrets using email, Facebook and twitter.
  • Find and be a part of local exercising community.

This is a great app as you don’t need to spend on your personal fitness training program or trainer.  As everything you do is recorded on, you can easily recover these things for later use.

Available for free download from Google Play, it is highly recommended for those who want a health routine.

You can also choose your area of focus and use it to get a six pack, lose weight, improve your running, practice yoga, and more. So this app is actually multipurpose, actually serving the purpose of many different niche in health interest.